Surf Camp Holiday Fuerteventura
Surf Camp Holiday Fuerteventura
Having vacation with Sunwave Surf Camp Holiday Fuerteventura is the best thing to do. The weather is always fine and the waves of the atlantic ocean on most beaches spill directly to dreamy, sandy beaches. Clearly surfing here makes sense and a lot of fun. And even learning to surf is a remarkable, sportive and overall healthy activity which brings your holiday to perfection.
Within just a few days in our surf courses most of our surfers are vitally tanned at least in their faces and feel fitter and better in shape than on the first day of their arrival on this nice little island called Fuerteventura.
Sunwave Surf Camp Holiday Fuerteventura
While surfing on waves you are literally in touch with nature. Throughout the day you spend your time with the other surf camp surfers at the beaches or the shore line as you may learn how the tides and the sea move. So you will estimate what time is best for a certain surf spot to take the surfboards from the surf mobiles rooftop and to surf some of the nicest waves.
To be on vacation with Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura means, that you will experiences as a group. Most of our surfers arrive alone or in small groups as they know they might feel very at home in our Surf Camp. Here you always will find nice and easy ambience and people enthusiastic for surfing. Together you will ride a Landrover to discover the best surf spots of the Canary Island called Fuerteventura. So you will see a lot of smiling faces in the waves, when the surf boards are taken from the roof rack to be watered.
As a proof you may watch the latest images which we collected in our Surfer Gallery from May 21st. Have a lot of fun by just surfing through these images and imagin how your Surf Camp Holiday Fuerteventura may feel like.
24.05.2016 /Categories: fuerteventura, surf camps, surf course, surf images