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Sunwave Blog

Surfing and nomad lifestyle goes hand in hand
Post about nomad lifestyle and similarly to surfing lifestyle
20.04.2023 / Categories:
Cómo escoger la tabla de surf adecuada - surfistas intermedios en Fuerteventura
Todos soñamos en ser buenos surfistas y llegar a hacer las maniobras más radicales. Esto puede guiarnos a tomar una rápida y mala decisión de escoger una tabla corta cuando aún no tenemos el nivel adecuado. ¿Cómo podemos saber qué tabla de surf escoger cuando nuestro nivel empieza a mejorar?
02.03.2023 / Categories: intermediate surf lessons fuerteventura
How to choose the right surfboard - intermediate surfers in Fuerteventura
We all dream about being really good surfers and learning how to do the most radical maneouvers. This can guide us to a fast and wrong decition of choosing a shortboard when we still don't have the level for it. How can we know which board to choose when we start to improve our surfing?
13.02.2023 / Categories: intermediate surf lessons fuerteventura
Best Party Surf Camp in Fuerteventura
We always drive around the island to find the best surf spots of the day. But what about the best parties? We love to sing, to dance, to have fun and to say "cheers" all together. Here in Corralejo there's party every day without exception. From live music, to karaokes or pubs and discos. Join us in
03.02.2023 / Categories: best party surf camp fuerteventura corralejo

Cheap surf camp vacation in Fuerteventura
Are you planning to enjoy your vacation in the surf paradise called Fuerteventura? Then we have the key for organizing a cheap trip in the dreamy island!
20.01.2023 / Categories:

Summer surfing in Fuerteventura
One of the best kept secrets of Fuerteventura is that it actually is one of the best surfing destinations for the European summer! A lot of people keep asking, if it possible to surf during the summer months in Fuerteventura? The short answer- YES, it is! Keep reading and we will explain you why.
11.05.2022 / Categories: fuerteventura, summer, surfing

11 Interesting facts about Fuerteventura
Fuerteventura is the second-largest Canary island in Spain. It’s greatest attractions are its beaches. It has the biggest and the best beaches in the Canaries. And here is some facts that you might didn't know about Fuerteventura.
25.01.2022 / Categories: fuerteventura

Surfen auf Fuerteventura in Corona / Covid Zeiten
Aktuelle News aus Fuerteventura fuer Surfer
15.09.2021 / Categories:

Fuerteventura still open for Tourism
Just a quick news flash to let you guys know that unlimited surfing here is still possible and restrictions are still pretty much the same as the whole last year.....
25.03.2021 / Categories:

Traveling to Fuerteventura & News
Latest Infos about traveling to Fuerteventura ,corona restricctions and some news
28.12.2020 / Categories: traveling to fuerteventura